As a part time employee Quik Shoppe offers the same great opportunities as our full time staff in working with a high volume, exciting customer base.
We offer permanent part time and special positions in each store covering a variety of hours, 24 hours a day.
Part time refers to an employee that works from 8 to 34 hours per week.
Flexible means just that. With most Quik Shoppe stores being open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the opportunity for flexible hours is almost unlimited in regards to shifts and days available for work.
Flexible hours have almost endless possibilities – they can be as few as 2 hours on any given shift to as much as 12 hours on any given day. The minimum hours to work part time is 8 hours per week. The minimum hours to work full time is 35 hours per week.
Quik Shoppe has hours and days available that are ideal for those seeking a second job.
Quik Shoppe offers flexible schedules to meet the goals for a student with respect to work, school and study time.
Quik Shoppe has an abundance of schedules to choose from to accommodate the lifestyle of an active semi-retiree.